Sponsor a herd member
Heartfelt thanks for considering sponsoring one of the special souls within our care. Sadly for one reason or another not all of the ponies who find us are suitable for rehoming so with your kind support we can continue to provide them the specialist care they require & deserve.
By sponsoring one of our herd members with a one off £30 donation annually, it allows us to continue our work helping not only these long term residents but those ponies that might need our help in the future. Please support our work & allow us to continue helping ponies like these guys flourish
Once you have chosen your pony for sponsorship, please let us know who you have chosen & we will confirm your address & send you a thank you pack containing a pony profile, certificate & a small surprise gift. Alternatively, if you would prefer to pay via BACS find our bank details on our DONATE page or please get in touch